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We are located in Lock Haven, PA; although, we have various types of real estate and land all over Pennsylvania. The majority of our current properties are located in ______,______,_______, and ________. We also have properties that lie as far north as _______, as far south as _________, as far east as _________, and as far west as ________.

Preview our properties and locations in the _________ map above to see which areas are most advantageously located for your investment goals.

Other locations include:

  • Total Future Cash Inflows =

    (Number of Payment Periods Left x Payment Received per Period)
    Property Value (If it will be sold)
    Amount of cash that should be received from all future payments buy home-buyer/tenants of a property. Can also include resale value if the investor expects to sell the property in the future to another buyer or investor.

    Visit the Calculating Value in Real Estate Page to learn how to value properties using calculations such as CAPM, NPV, and Capitalization Rate.